12th ESEH Conference, Mountains and Plains

  • Knoll, M. (Mitgliedschaft im Programmausschuss)

Aktivität: Mitwirkung an und Organisation einer VeranstaltungMitwirkung an einer Veranstaltung


Since prehistoric times, mountain ranges all over
the world have been a protective barrier and a
place to be overcome. Transit deeply influenced
the socio-economic structure of mountainous
societies and enabled knowledge transfer.
Mountains are «water castles» of the surrounding
plains, and they play an important role for macro-
and micro-scale weather conditions. The Alps
were the first transnational mountain range that
scholars examined in detail; and since the eight-
eenth century, they had been one of the most
important places for tourism in Europe.
Member of the ESEH Programme Committee;
Numerous environmental challenges of the
present and the future are also connected to
mountains: the melting of glaciers; the availability
of natural resources; increases in the number and
magnitude of natural hazards; traffic and tourism;
losses of cultural landscape ecosystems through
rural depopulation; structural economic problems
due to low income in agriculture and forestry;
losses in biodiversity as a consequence of the
maladaptation of state subsidies; losses of cultural
and natural heritage. The great variety of topics at
the conference will thus show the relevance of en-
vironmental history approaches (in a wider sense)
for societies of the present and the future.
Zeitraum22 Aug. 202326 Aug. 2023
OrtBern, SchweizAuf Karte anzeigen


  • Berge
  • sozio-ökonomische Struktur
  • Tourismus
  • Gletscher
  • Verkehr
  • Entvölkerung
  • ökonomische Probleme
  • Biodiversitätsverlust
  • Naturkatastrophen

Systematik der Wissenschaftszweige 2012

  • 601 Geschichte, Archäologie