BAH-funded project 'Guide to the aloricate genera of the class Oligotrichea: BAH-funded project 'Guide to the aloricate genera of the class Oligotrichea (Protozoa, Ciliophora) based on live and protargol-impregnated material'

    Aktivität: Weitere wissenschaftliche AktivitätenAndere/Nicht-drittmittelfinanzierte Projekte


    Ziele:Establishment of a guide to the genera of the order Oligotrichea and the aloricate Choreotrichida with the description of their morphology based on live observations and protargol-impregnations Methode:Sampling is performed by bucket and plankton net off the Island of Sylt, North Sea coast. Live observations and protargol impregnations are performed, following Foissner (1991) and Song and Wilbert.(1995).
    Zeitraum1 Sept. 199531 Dez. 1995


    • Marine
    • taxonomy
    • morphology
    • Oligotrichea
    • plankton ciliates