BAH-funded project 'Guide to the aloricate genera of the class Oligotrichea: BAH-funded project 'Guide to the aloricate genera of the class Oligotrichea (Protozoa, Ciliophora) based on live and protargol-impregnated material'
Aktivität: Weitere wissenschaftliche Aktivitäten › Andere/Nicht-drittmittelfinanzierte Projekte
Ziele:Establishment of a guide to the genera of the order Oligotrichea and the aloricate Choreotrichida with the description of their morphology based on live observations and protargol-impregnations
Methode:Sampling is performed by bucket and plankton net off the Island of Sylt, North Sea coast. Live observations and protargol impregnations are performed, following Foissner (1991) and Song and Wilbert.(1995).