Bezahlbarer Wohnraum: Eine Frage von Armut und Ungleichheit?

Aktivität: Gastvortrag oder VortragVortragscience to science / art to art


Social and environmental pressures in our times bear threats that often cross-border in scale, such as climate change, poverty-driven migration, demographic change as well as socio-economic developments. One of the hot topics that is prevailing in many societies across Europe and worldwide, concerns “affordable housing” and poverty–driven international and domestic migration (including displacements through gentrification processes), focusing here on the urban and regional context. When it comes to issues of inequalities within the SDG framework, multi-faceted stakeholders with different claims, distribution of resources and interactions with other development goals (spillover and trade-offs) account for a highly complex context. To contribute to a sustainable and fair society and hence to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the University of Salzburg participates in the Austrian-wide universities’ network “UniNEtZ”. Our joint target is to develop an options report for the Austrian Government regarding the seventeen SDGs, so far hosted by 18 Austrian universities.
In this vein, the University of Salzburg; i.e. the Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research, the departments of Geography and Geology and the Department of Sociology and Political Science are focusing on the SDG 1 (No Poverty) and SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities). Our target and research focus is to assess and evaluate the status of SDG 1 and 10 in Austria, to find possible solutions and to support stakeholders’ integration. We aim at generating and deducing appropriate options as scientific support, from interdisciplinary research studies to “Sustainability Developing Goals and their Targets” in action. For this reason, and to deal with the complexity of the Agenda 2030, we have developed a special Model for Inequalities and Poverty Assessment (IPAM). Through the example of “affordable housing” we provide insight into the situation focusing on sustainable outcomes, including ethical and justice perceptions. Our research is dedicated to support the different stakeholders to check the needed support and engagement in order to put the SDG Agenda into action, with the clear task to “leave no one behind”.

Zeitraum5 März 20206 März 2020
Gehalten amSchader-Forum, Schader Stiftung, Goethestraße 2, 64285 Darmstadt, Deutschland


  • bezahlbarer Wohnraum, SDG
  • Armut, Ungleichheit
  • Vereinte Nationen

Systematik der Wissenschaftszweige 2012

  • 507 Humangeographie, Regionale Geographie, Raumplanung