Empowering adolescents from different countries for European citizenship through Values and Knowledge Education (VaKE): An eleven-years research program

  • Patry, J. (Redner/in)
  • Sieglinde Weyringer (Redner/in)

Aktivität: Gastvortrag oder VortragVortragscience to science / art to art


Values and Knowledge Education (VaKE) is a constructivist, collaborative (co-constructive) teaching-learning method that combines values education (fostering moral judgment competence) and knowledge acquisition through inquiry-based learning. It empowers the participants in both domains: It fosters moral judgment competence (the ability to argue in favor and against applying potentially relevant values in a concrete situation) and moral sensitivity (recognizing moral issues of given situations), and it improves knowledge acquisition and critical judgment of information sources (e.g., on the internet).
For eleven years, VaKE was used in summer academies, the Plato Youth Forum, lasting five half-days plus leisure time. The participants were 17 to 19-years olds from several middle-European countries in four or five groups of about nine participants per year, for a total of 540 participants. Many topics were addressed, all dealing with issues of European citizenships. Spending one week together, discussing crucial issues from the different cultural and national standpoints, having leisure activities dealing with the respective home countries, etc., allowed an in-depth experience across cultures of diverse EU countries.
Different kinds of assessments were used, among others the Lesson Interruption Method: At the end of each half-day, the participants reported to a short questionnaire about the experiences. For those participants who were available, a follow-up questionnaire with open questions was issued.
Selected results are reported. Evidence could be found for short- and long-term effects on indicators for citizenship competences.
Overall, the courses empowered the participants in moral and knowledge acquisition domains to become responsible-minded European citizens.
Zeitraum3 Sept. 20245 Sept. 2024
EreignistitelFuture Education Conference 2024: Empowering Learners for Tomorrow
OrtGraz, ÖsterreichAuf Karte anzeigen

Systematik der Wissenschaftszweige 2012

  • 503 Erziehungswissenschaften