Under the aegis of the University of Salzburg, the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Environment Agency Austria, LTER-Austria and eLTER are organising this forum to discuss viable contributions of GI Sciences to LTER. Addressing the challenges of global change for environment and society implies the need for long-term and quality-controlled data on pressures and status of ecosystems to understand the effects of environmental policies and to define options for action. The European LTER network and the emerging eLTER ESFRI Infrastructure aim to provide services based on its legacy of long-term observation sites and datasets. The forum is aiming to provide information on eLTER and to show examples for using data compiled by the network for addressing different research questions and the specific needs for GIS and spatial analysis in this context.In Session A, information on the emerging eLTER RI, especially on its thematic background and its service portfolio linking to geo-informatics and spatial analysis will be given. Examples of application from different thematic areas will show the wide range of data analysis and modelling at European level fostered by eLTER. A discussion on the potential contribution of eLTER to meet the challenges of data analysis and data science in respect of LTER and related scientific topics will complete this session.
Session B is dedicated to the use of long-term data for addressing global challenges and the issues of data consistency and bridging of scales in this context. Selected use cases will provide an insight into how new methods of geo-informatics can help to support climate change and biodiversity research. Which methods of geo-informatics and spatial analysis could be applied and how to address the appropriate scales will be subjects of the final discussion.
Zeitraum | 5 Juli 2022 |
Veranstaltungstyp | Konferenz |
Ort | Salzburg, ÖsterreichAuf Karte anzeigen |
Bekanntheitsgrad | International |
- GI Science
- ecosystem research
- biodiversity research
- Data Science
Systematik der Wissenschaftszweige 2012
- 106 Biologie
- 107 Andere Naturwissenschaften
- 105 Geowissenschaften
Dokumente & Verweise
Verbundene Inhalte
Zukunft Gletscher(monitoring) in Österreich am Beispiel des Stubacher Sonnblickkees, NP Hohe Tauern | LTER Site Oberes Stubachtal
Publikation: Konferenzbeitrag › Poster › Peer-reviewed
Geoinformatik als Schlüssel für die langfristige Ökosystemforschung
Publikation: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Letter
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Publikation: Buch/Bericht/Gesetzeskommentar › Forschungsbericht › Peer-reviewed
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Publikation: Buch/Bericht/Gesetzeskommentar › Forschungsbericht › Peer-reviewed
GI_Salzburg 2022
Aktivität: Mitwirkung an und Organisation einer Veranstaltung › Organisation einer Veranstaltung
LTER Site Sonnblickkees | Stubachtal
Aktivität: Forschungsaufenthalt › vor Ort
LTER Site Oberes Stubachtal - Interdisziplinärer Forschungsstandort der PLUS
Aktivität: Weitere wissenschaftliche Aktivitäten › Andere/Nicht-drittmittelfinanzierte Projekte
LTER Site Oberes Stubachtal: Forschungsleistungen 2021/22
Aktivität: Gastvortrag oder Vortrag › Vortrag › science to science / art to art
LTER Site Oberes Stubachtal: Forschungsleistungen 2022/23
Aktivität: Gastvortrag oder Vortrag › Vortrag › science to science / art to art
Glaziologisches Monitoring LTER Master Site Oberes Stubachtal , Hohe Tauern: 2020-2024: Beiträge zur Glazialhydrologie eines hochalpinen Einzugsgebietes im Oberen Stubachtal, Hohe Tauern, Land Salzburg.
Aktivität: Weitere wissenschaftliche Aktivitäten › Andere/Nicht-drittmittelfinanzierte Projekte
GI_Salzburg | AGIT | GI Forum
Forschungsimpact: Third-Mission-Aktivität › Wirtschaft, Umwelt