Implementing Issues of Inequalities within the SDG-process – An Assessment Model as Wicked Opportunity in a Multi-stakeholder Network

Aktivität: Gastvortrag oder VortragVortragscience to science / art to art


SDGs as strong international consensus norms offer the opportunity to provide a framework to develop sustainable solutions and action planning towards a more equal and sustainable future. As an assistive tool for multi-stakeholder processes, we suggest the implementation of the Inequality and Poverty Assessment Model (IPAM) as a guideline to screen both analysis and generated options for five dimensions of social and environmental justice: (a) distribution, (b) procedure & participation, (c) fairness in climate and environmental adaptation, (d) legitimacy and (e) recognition. We argue that the IPAM, a systematic approach to integrate in-/equalities into the Agenda 2030, creates opportunities for the collaboration of stakeholders by both serving as a shared framework and leaving room for own priorities. In this vein, the IPAM, first, contributes to solving the wicked problem of comprehensively evaluating each SDG regarding inequalities and, second, to providing common ground for stakeholders to generate sound options that do not conflict with the UN’s ‘Leave No One Behind’ idea.
Zeitraum19 Okt. 2020
EreignistitelUN PRME - 7th Responsible Management Education Research Conference: UN Principles for Resonsible Management Education -RME
OrtChur, SchweizAuf Karte anzeigen

Systematik der Wissenschaftszweige 2012

  • 502 Wirtschaftswissenschaften
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  • 507 Humangeographie, Regionale Geographie, Raumplanung
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