Interdisciplinary Symposium on Cognitive Ontologies (ISCO)

Aktivität: Gastvortrag oder VortragVortragscience to science / art to art


In the ISCO, experts from diverse fields of research come together to discuss current advances in the development of cognitive ontologies to aid knowledge accumulation and integration in Cognitive Neuroscience. We will discuss the challenges and chances of ontology-based knowledge representation and management by addressing issues such as current thoughts and practices of conceptualising cognitive functions, top-down and data-driven approaches in developing cognitive ontologies, the use of formal ontologies for (FAIR) knowledge engineering, controlled vocabularies for automated data retrieval and reasoning as well as future perspectives on developing a comprehensive cognitive ontology.
Zeitraum26 Mai 2021
Ereignistitelan Interdisciplinary Symposium on Cognitive Ontologies (ISCO): an Interdisciplinary Symposium on Cognitive Ontologies (ISCO)
OrtSalzburg, ÖsterreichAuf Karte anzeigen


  • Cognitive Ontologies

Systematik der Wissenschaftszweige 2012

  • 501 Psychologie