First, it intends to focus on the study as to why interpretative approaches to policy analysis have not been successful in the US scholarship although these approaches support the identification of mechanisms; something empirical approaches that follow a positivist research design have not been able to do. This analysis connects directly to the actual ongoing American discussion on the political science direction and its public relevance. The research question connected to the first goal thus can be stated as follows: Why have interpretative approaches (originally developed in the US) been less successful in the United States than in Europe? Secondly, it intends to develop a toolbox for the methodical devices available for interpretative policy analysis. This systematisation, clarification and delineation of methodical devices (e.g. frame, narrative, discourse, rhetorical, and emotional analysis) supports the more practical application to policy analysis and allows for building bridges to more ‘conventional’ policy analysis approaches that center around categories such as for example interests, networks, actors and institutions. The research question connected to the second goal: How are concepts applied by interpretative approaches interacting with each other and how can a toolbox that systematises its methodical application be developed? Ziele:First, it intends to focus on the study as to why interpretative approaches to policy analysis have not been successful in the US scholarship although these approaches support the identification of mechanisms; something empirical approaches that follow a positivist research design have not been able to do. Secondly, it intends to develop a toolbox for the methodical devices available for interpretative policy analysis. Methode:Part 1 aims at investigating as to why interpretative approaches have not been successful in the US. Thus it also sheds light onto the fact as to why empirical approaches have been so attractive and to investigate as to what mechanisms are underlying their dominance. This knowledge will then enable me to develop ideas on how to increase the relevance of interpretative methods and to build bridges between empirical and interpretative methods used in policy analysis. Part 2 analyses how concepts developed by interpretative policy analysis approaches are defined, delineated, reconstructed in case analysis, and interconnect with each other. The development of a toolbox, that systematises their application, should then enable me to develop ideas on how to connect interpretative policy analysis to more mainstream political science approaches.Zeitraum | 20 Sept. 2010 → 19 Sept. 2011 |
Gehalten am | Politikwissenschaft |