Musik & Mathematik

  • Katarzyna Grebosz-Haring (Chair)
  • Bathke, A. (Chair)
  • Martin Losert (Organisator/in)
  • Moreno Andreatta (Session chair)

Aktivität: Mitwirkung an und Organisation einer VeranstaltungOrganisation einer Veranstaltung



From Music to Mathematics and Backwards: Introducing Algebra, Topology and Category Theory into Computational Musicology

Moreno Andreatta
CRNS Director of research on mathematics and music at IRMA – Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée, University of Strasbourg / IRCAM – Institute for Research and Coordination in Acoustics/Music, Paris, France

This lecture will provide an overview of the most active research axes of the SMIR Project at the University of Strasbourg (led by leader Moreno Andreatta). This project, devoted to Structural Music Information Research (SMIR), is hosted by IRMA (Institut de recherche mathématique avancée) and is carried out in collaboration with musicologists of GREAM (Groupe de recherche expérimentale sur l’acte musical) and computer science researchers from the IRCAM Music Representation Team. Ongoing research axes include mathematical morphology, formal concept analysis and computational music analysis; generalized tonnetze, persistent homology and automatic classification of musical styles; category theory and transformational music analysis; tiling musical problems, homometry and fuglede spectral conjecture. After discussing the “mathemusical” dynamics underlying the SMIR project, Moreno Andreatta will offer several music-theoretical examples showing how to approach interesting mathematical problems starting from music representations and computer-aided modelling. The focus will be in particular on some computational models of harmonic spaces that have been implemented in the web environment The Tonnetz, which enables an interactive exploration of a panoply of geometric spaces for music-theoretical, analytical and compositional purposes. Furthermore, a current research project supported by CNRS which constitutes the cognitive component of the SMIR project will be presented. This project – entitled ProAppMaMu (Processes and Learning Techniques of Mathemusical Knowledge) – aims to investigate the link between geometric representations and cognitive neurosciences by following some previous work by researchers in neurosciences and experimental psychology and by focusing on the interplay between structural mathematics and computational models.
Zeitraum15 Apr. 2021


  • Mathematische Computermusik
  • Mathematische Musikanalyse
  • Computermusik

Systematik der Wissenschaftszweige 2012

  • 604 Kunstwissenschaften
  • 101 Mathematik
  • 102 Informatik