Musik & Medizin

  • Stephen Clift (Session chair)
  • Gert Antes (Session chair)
  • Katarzyna Grebosz-Haring (Chair)
  • Martin Losert (Session chair)
  • Bathke, A. (Session chair)
  • Leonhard Thun-Hohenstein (Moderator/in)

Aktivität: Mitwirkung an und Organisation einer VeranstaltungOrganisation einer Veranstaltung


W&K-Forum – Podiumsdiskussion / Panel Discussion: Critical Reflections on Research of Arts, Health and Wellbeing

Keynote speech:
Reflections on the Research of Creative Arts for Wellbeing and Health, Stephen Clift (Canterbury Christ Church University, UK)
An Overview on Creative Arts for Wellbeing and Health in Last Decades, Katarzyna Grebosz-Haring (University Mozarteum Salzburg / University of Salzburg)
Panelists Including: Gerd Antes (Medical Center, University of Freiburg), Arne Bathke (University of Salzburg), Stephen Clift, Katarzyna Grebosz-Haring, Martin Losert (University Mozarteum Salzburg)
Moderation: Leonhard Thun-Hohenstein (Paracelsus Medical Private University Salzburg)

The last two decades have seen a considerable growth in arts activities supporting wellbeing and health. The creative arts can be seen as a resource contributing to the cultural vitality and wellbeing and the promotion of health (Clift & Camic 2015).

In this virtual W&K Forum, academics, doctors, and artists explore the relationship between creative arts, health research, and practice. The panel debates methodological challenges in the design of research studies on arts, wellbeing, and health as well as limitations on the measures employed, which seriously undermine the respective conclusions. Furthermore, it places the findings in the context of growing concerns in medical and social science research about the quality and usefulness of systematic reviews and meta-analyses and questionable standards even with regard to peer reviewed scientific literature. The forum will also try to address topics from practice, affecting hospitals, caregivers, and policy makers. Finally, it offers some positive recommendations and perspectives for future research and practice in the field of arts and health.

Stephen Clift is Professor Em. of Health Education at Canterbury Christ Church University, Visiting Professor at York St John University and Professorial Fellow at Royal Society for Public Health, London, UK.
Zeitraum26 Jan. 2023


  • Methodenkritik
  • Peer Review Verfahren
  • Forschungsliteratur
  • Forschungsevaluierung
  • Evaluierung
  • Methodenforschung

Systematik der Wissenschaftszweige 2012

  • 303 Gesundheitswissenschaften
  • 604 Kunstwissenschaften
  • 501 Psychologie