SINCE SINGING IS SO GOOD A THING, I WISH ALL MEN WOULD LEARN TO SING (William Byrd, 1543–1623).Humans are hard wired to sing! Prior to the development of language(s)early man relied on the modulation of sound to communicate, to express emotions, and to respond to the natural and imagined worlds beyond his own. The long evolutionary process of man using modulated sound is of far greater significance than the flowering of Western European art music to the maintenance and development of well being.
The modulation of sound, i.e. singing, served as means for survival. Yet, throughout our history, singing has become exclusive rather than inclusive moving from the centre to the periphery of our existence.
In advocating group singing as an intervention for the improvement of health and well being, Grenville Hancox will call upon historical description, contemporary research, and his own work along with that of his colleagues, all promoting the social prescription of group singing.
Zeitraum | 15 Nov. 2019 |
Veranstaltungstyp | Workshop |
Ort | Salzburg, ÖsterreichAuf Karte anzeigen |
Bekanntheitsgrad | International |
- music
- singing
- Parkinson
Systematik der Wissenschaftszweige 2012
- 302 Klinische Medizin
- 303 Gesundheitswissenschaften
- 305 Andere Humanmedizin, Gesundheitswissenschaften
- 501 Psychologie
- 604 Kunstwissenschaften
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Musik & Medizin
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Musik & Medizin
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Musik & Medizin
Aktivität: Mitwirkung an und Organisation einer Veranstaltung › Organisation einer Veranstaltung
"Since Singing is so good a Thing, I wish all Men would learn to sing"
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Musik und Medizin
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Musik & Medizin
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