UN Science Summit: SDG for all Earth for all? Turnarounds to reach SDGs Implementation: Transdisciplinary SDG-modelling approaches for action in Kenya and Austria!

  • Bukowski, M. (Co-convener)
  • Friedrich Hinterberger (Organisator/in)
  • Ulrike Payerhofer (Mitwirkende/r)
  • Vogler, R. (Mitwirkende/r)
  • Fingerlos, I. (Mitwirkende/r)
  • Franz Michael Fehr (Mitwirkende/r)

Aktivität: Mitwirkung an und Organisation einer VeranstaltungOrganisation einer Veranstaltung


In times of multiple crises, the transformation towards a sustainable future and well-being for all, as proposed in the Agenda 2030 with the SDGs, is at risk. The implementation of the SDGs and their targets depends on the ability to overcome the single focus on each goal, taking into account their entanglement, trade-offs and synergies on a national but also on a personal level. Often environmental awareness and environmental actions drift apart (politically and personally). To understand and analyze these vast interdependencies, reaching out to the people with no one left behind, the latest initiative of the Club of Rome: "Earth4All - A survival guide for our planet”, provides support and guidance. This includes the demand for an economic system change by upgrading our economic system with five extraordinary turnarounds: Eliminate Poverty, Address Inequality, Women’s Empowerment, Transforming the Food and Energy Systems. If implemented in the next decade, we can shift the economic system toward well-being for all within planetary boundaries. In this vein, the Club of Rome started the E4A implementation initiative with two pilot countries (Austria and Kenya). For both countries, E4A/SDG modelling is being conducted. For this, the Club of Rome Austrian Chapter triangulates the system dynamic E4A/SDG modelling (Millennium Institute) with participatory means, including Inequality and Poverty Assessment modelling and arts-based approaches (UniNEtZ, an SDG University Network). The researchers have developed co-creative and participative ways to integrate the public into a participatory modelling process. A process that aims to enable stakeholder-driven SDG/E4A implementation that is related to stakeholders’ future visions, sub-goals, targets and indicators. By this, we aim to provide inclusive scientific ideas and options for political and societal actions to further sustainable development and to overcome trade-offs between economic and ecological as well as social interests.
Zeitraum20 Sept. 2023
OrtNew York City, USA/Vereinigte StaatenAuf Karte anzeigen


  • SDGs, Partizipative Modellierung , Earth for all
  • Club of Rome; Uninetz;

Systematik der Wissenschaftszweige 2012

  • 507 Humangeographie, Regionale Geographie, Raumplanung