Values and Knowledge Education (VaKE)

Aktivität: Mitwirkung an und Organisation einer VeranstaltungOrganisation einer Veranstaltung


Values and Knowledge Education (VaKE; see Weyringer et al., 2022, for the VaKE handbook) is a constructivist, collaborative (co-constructive) teaching-learning method that combines values education (fostering moral judgment competence) and knowledge acquisition through inquiry-based learning. Among others, explicit discussion rules are formulated, including the focus on the argument and not on the person, excluding power relationships, and giving socially reversible feedback. It is an adequate educational approach to deal with current global challenges, including exigent health issues.
Health professionals (nurses, physicians) deal with issues of life and death. They apply highly sophisticated knowledge (knowledge talk) in practical situations (knowledge walk), and in doing so, they often must take ethical decisions (moral walk), i.e., they must consider different action options and the ethical issues involved with each of them: They are confronted with moral dilemma situations. In such a situation, the protagonist has the choice between two actions, but each of his or her action will violate some important values or norms. For instance, a nurse may have to decide whether to comfort a dying patient or to treat a patient with painful decubitus: The nurse cannot do both simultaneously. The protagonist must prioritize the values related with one action over the ones related with the other. Health professionals learn the necessary methods to solve the medical problems (e.g., what cubitus is and how to prevent and treat it), but their professional education rarely prepares them to deal with moral dilemma situations.
In practical situations, the knowledge talk and the moral talk are closely related: Setting values priorities depend on what the protagonist can do in the given situation. In education, this relationship needs also to be addressed. VaKE is an educational tool that permits this. The first paper presents details of VaKE, while the second and third papers provide examples of using VaKE in medical education. Each of papers address further issues of walking the talk:
• The first paper about the method shows how the scientific theories (moral education, inquiry-based learning, collaborative learning) are combined to develop an educational tool that can be used in practice. In a practical exercise, the principle of VaKE is further applied with the present audience.
• The second paper on nursing education shows, among others, that the participants in VaKE discuss ways of acting beyond the proposed activities; that the collaborative co-construction was not as frequent and sophisticated as expected; and that VaKE could be recognized in the discussions.
• The third paper on medical education shows that VaKE can be combined with other methods – in this case, Team-Based Learning (TBL) – and that fostering moral judgment competence is possible without a tradeoff with respect to knowledge acquisition; that medical students appreciate discussing the knowledge and moral issues in relation to each other; and that they estimated their decision-making to be more complex.
Zeitraum11 Sept. 202413 Sept. 2024
OrtBari, ItalienAuf Karte anzeigen