Copernicus Academy Hub for Knowledge, Innovation and Outreach



The CopHub.AC consortium pursues the following specific objectives (1)-(6): (1) Ensure the efficient coordination and effective project management of CopHub.AC towards the successful achievement of the planned outcomes; (2) Foster the enlargement of the Copernicus Academy ecosystem through a well-orchestrated set of tools and structures; (3) Reinforce the R&I capacities of Copernicus Academies and channel their outputs within an improved format of research briefs; (4) Inform industry, educational networks, authorities and the citizen about Copernicus and its societal benefits; (5) Promote capacity building and connectivity with the Copernicus Relays and other networks; (6) Promote the long-term impact and sustainability of the Copernicus Academy network through the establishment of a secretariat, a monitoring process and a forward-looking roadmap.
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/10/1828/02/21

UN-Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung

2015 einigten sich UN-Mitgliedstaaten auf 17 globale Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) zur Beendigung der Armut, zum Schutz des Planeten und zur Förderung des allgemeinen Wohlstands. Die Arbeit dieses Projekts leistet einen Beitrag zu folgendem(n) SDG(s):

  • SDG 4 – Qualitativ hochwertige Bildung
  • SDG 5 – Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter