Studies, Methodologies and Support Services for the Programming Cycle of EU-funded Research to Foster the Competitiveness of the EU-space Sector and Reinforce its Capacity to Access and Use Space



While EU funded for space R&I for axis i) covers from upstream (space and ground infrastructures), to downstream space sectors (services, and applications), EU funded R&I for axis ii) is mostly focussed on the upstream space sector. The requested services are structured as follows: WP0) Project management WP1) Education and skills for space in the EU WP2) Scientific knowledge: opportunities for creation and dissemination WP3) Analysis of EU-funded projects in the field of space WP4) Support the consultation of the Space R&I Stakeholders WP5) Support for communication on EU R&I agenda and EU-funded projects
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/03/2128/02/25