Researching the body and movement through artistic performative installations for collaborative digital sensemaking

Daniela Brill, Claudia Schnugg, Christian Stary, Antoni Rayzhekov

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Bericht/Konferenzband/GesetzeskommentarKapitel in einem SammelbandForschungPeer-reviewed


When tackling digital transformation, Digital Sensemaking, as researched in the DIGI-Sense project, empowers humans to reflect on the meaning from an intertwined cognitive, aesthetic, and body perspective. Sensemaking is fundamental for meaningful (work) experience of individuals and organizations. Digital means can play a central role to give meaning to processes, shared experiences, and to rationalize established routines. As embodiment, materialities, movements, and aesthetics are core to sensemaking, we have designed and explored a corresponding artscience installation. It implements the idea that collective digital drawing is a form of participatory sense-making that emerges from embodied, dynamical and collaborative interactions between co-performers. Performers could exert control over expressing drawings, by coordinating their movements with one another. This functionality is integrated in a setting with increasing task complexity - to further stimulate social collaboration and create rich visual feedback. In this way digital sensemaking could become an essential means for the encounter between two persons to sketch a common ground of their activity spaces.
TitelACM International Conference Proceeding Series
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2023


NameACM International Conference Proceeding Series

Systematik der Wissenschaftszweige 2012

  • 102 Informatik
  • 509 Andere Sozialwissenschaften

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