Foreign Direct Investment International Arbitration Moot Global Oral Rounds 2021

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Increasing international investment, the proliferation of international investment treaties, domestic legislation, and international investment contracts have contributed to the development of a new field of international law that defines obligations between host States and foreign investors and refers to internationalised procedures (e.g. ICSID) for resolving related disputes. These disputes involve not only vast sums, but also a panoply of rights, duties, and shifting objectives at the juncture of national and international law and policy. The FDI Moot helps future lawyers attain a practical understanding of these issues. The case and hearings offer a unique forum for academics and practitioners from around the world to discuss developments - and assess emerging talents. What characterises the FDI Moot? It's about arbitration - so like the Vis? It involves public international law – so like the Jessup? Well, while we agree that the FDI Moot unites some characteristics of these renowned competitions, FDI Moot also introduces other aspects of international dispute resolution and business law, like foreign investment(duh!), corporate structures & procedures, licensing, environmental law, IP, damages,... The FDI Moot also has some special features – its Globals are in November and the Global venue rotates among major world dispute resolution centres. Teams compete under aliases to avoid (perceived) biases in favour of (or against) famous universities. And of course our competitors and arbitrators are the BEST :-) The FDI Moot spans approximately four months each year in two phases, written memorials for claimant and respondent due in September and the oral hearings in late-October/early-November. Regional or national rounds (Africa, Asia Pacific, South Asia, China, Vietnam, ...) in July and August may precede these, and several pre moots (non-competive practice) are held in late-September and October.
Period27 Oct 20213 Nov 2021
Event typeOther (online)
LocationSeoul, Korea, Republic ofShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational