Human rights as commons (Main presentation) - Part One: Overview

Activity: Talk or presentationOral presentationscience to science / art to art


This Conference raises the possibility of thinking about human rights, particularly collective human rights, as commons, that is, as relational goods. It will address several questions such as the following: what are the common goods that determine and protect these rights? What is the type of collective subject implicit in these rights? How are these rights generated and distributed? What is the national and local legal order that corresponds to these rights?
The Conference wants to be a place for dialogue and collective reflection. It will feature contributions from several prestigious speakers who will introduce the audience to three keys to understanding human rights as common goods.
These moments of exposure will be followed each time by moments of reflection in small groups.
The languages of the Conference will be Spanish and English. It is addressed at academics and advanced students who have an interest in exploring this original perspective on human rights.
Period14 Jun 2022
Event titleInternational Conference "Human Rights as Commons": “communis utilitas, quæ societatis maximum vinculum est” (Tito Livo)
Event typeOnline-Conference
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • Human rights

Fields of Science and Technology Classification 2012

  • 505 Law