Projects per year
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EREDE: Effective Resolution of exponential Diophantine Equations
Ziegler, V. (Principal Investigator)
1/07/23 → 30/06/25
Project: Mobility & Teaching
Widely degenerate partial differential equations
Bögelein, V. (Principal Investigator)
1/02/23 → 31/01/27
Project: Research
- Moving mountains - landslides as geosystem services in Austrian geoparks (
Robl, J. C. (Principal Investigator), Schröder, A. (Co-Investigator) & Petermann, J. (Co-Investigator)
1/11/22 → 31/05/26
Project: Research
MAJA: MAJA - Mathematische Algorithmen für Jedermann Analysiert
Fuchs, C. (Principal Investigator), Schröder, A. (Co-Investigator), Schmid, W. (Co-Investigator) & Plangg, S. (Co-Investigator)
1/10/22 → 30/09/25
Project: Research
Diophantine number theory
Fuchs, C. (Principal Investigator), Tichy, R. (Principal Investigator), Györy, K. (Principal Investigator) & Hajdu, L. (Principal Investigator)
1/04/20 → 31/03/25
Project: Research
KEDiff: Kooperative Erschließung diffusen Wissens. Ein literaturwissenschaftlich-informatischer Modellversuch zur Aufbereitung komplexer Textkorpora am Beispiel der „Oberdeutschen allgemeinen Litteraturzeitung“ (1788-1811)
Borgelt, C. (Principal Investigator)
1/12/21 → 31/03/24
Project: Research
VizMath2021: VizMath2021 -- Webapp zum Visualisieren der Strukturen von Permutationsgruppen beim Wechselläuten
Krenn, D. (Principal Investigator)
16/08/21 → 10/09/21
Project: Research
MINT:labs: MINT:labs Science City Itzling
Bathke, A. (Principal Investigator), Ernst, M. (Co-Investigator), Spanring, J. (Co-Investigator), Resch, B. (Co-Investigator), Collini-Nocker, B. (Co-Investigator), Strahl, A. (Co-Investigator), Fleischer, T. (Co-Investigator) & Meschtscherjakov, A. (Co-Investigator)
1/12/20 → 30/11/21
Project: Research
Motorsport (BMW): Entwicklung von Data Science Methoden im Motorsport
Schröder, A. (Principal Investigator) & Trutschnig, W. (Co-Investigator)
1/07/19 → 31/05/21
Project: Research
Erstellen von Medienbeiträgen zur Wissenschaftsvermittlung
Bathke, A. (Principal Investigator) & Schabetsberger, R. (Co-Investigator)
1/01/19 → 31/12/19
Project: Research
InnoSchools: Innobvationsschulen
Jekel, T. (Co-Investigator), Milz, S. (Co-Investigator), Vogler, R. (Principal Investigator), Golser-Ebner, K. (Co-Investigator), Stuppacher, K. (Co-Investigator), Fuchs, K.-J. (Co-Investigator), Schiffl, I. (Co-Investigator), Maresch, G. (Co-Investigator), Strahl, A. (Co-Investigator), Fleischer, T. (Co-Investigator) & Scharf, C. (Co-Investigator)
1/12/18 → 30/11/20
Project: Research
Doubly nonlinear evolution equations
Bögelein, V. (Principal Investigator) & Rainer, R. (Co-Investigator)
1/12/18 → 30/11/23
Project: Research
High-Order Immersed-Boundary-Methoden in der Festkörpermechanik für generativ gefertigte Strukturen
Schröder, A. (Principal Investigator)
1/09/18 → 28/02/22
Project: Research
Forecast: Entwicklung Forecast Materialbedarf
Trutschnig, W. (Principal Investigator) & Schreyer, M. L. (Co-Investigator)
1/09/18 → 31/12/18
Project: Research
Trutschnig, W. (Principal Investigator) & Kwitt, R. (Co-Investigator)
15/07/18 → 31/12/18
Project: Research
Gradientenflüsse von Krümmungsfunktionalen
Blatt, S. (Principal Investigator)
1/08/17 → 31/07/23
Project: Research
Simulation thermomechanisch bedingter Bauteildeformationen für die NC-Fräsbearbeitung
Schröder, A. (Principal Investigator)
1/05/15 → 31/05/18
Project: Research
High-order immersed-boundary methods in solid mechanics for structures generated by additive processes
Schröder, A. (Principal Investigator)
1/11/14 → 31/01/19
Project: Research
EMMA: EMMA - Experimentieren mit mathematischen Algorithmen
Schröder, A. (Principal Investigator), Fuchs, K.-J. (Co-Investigator), Fuchs, C. (Co-Investigator) & Schmid, W. (Co-Investigator)
1/10/14 → 30/09/17
Project: Research
Arithmetic Primitives for Uniform Distribution Modulo 1
Hellekalek, P. (Principal Investigator)
1/02/14 → 31/01/18
Project: Research
Evolutionsgleichungen mit p,q-Wachstum
Bögelein, V. (Principal Investigator) & Singer, T. (Co-Investigator)
17/10/13 → 31/03/18
Project: Research
Diophantine Equations, Arithmetic progressions and their applications
Ziegler, V. (Principal Investigator)
1/03/13 → 31/08/16
Project: Research
Linearly intertwining maps on convex bodies
Haberl, C. (Principal Investigator)
1/07/11 → 31/12/11
Project: Research
Ergodic Properties of Stochastic Partial Differential Equation driven by Levy processes
Hausenblas, E. I. (Principal Investigator)
7/04/08 → 6/04/11
Project: Research
Singularisierung mehrdimensionaler Kettenbruchalgorithmen
Schratzberger, B. (Principal Investigator)
1/08/07 → 31/07/10
Project: Research
Ordered Orthogonal Arrays – the Missing Link between Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods and Coding Theory
Schmid, W. (Principal Investigator)
1/01/06 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Discrepancy of Digital Nets and Sequences
Schmid, W. (Principal Investigator) & Kritzer, P. A. (Co-Investigator)
1/01/06 → 30/06/12
Project: Research
Salzburg Research Fellowship, The Stochastic Navier Stokes
Hausenblas, E. I. (Principal Investigator)
1/05/05 → 19/01/06
Project: Research
pLab-crypt2: Randomness Properties of Cryptographic Primitives II
Hellekalek, P. (Principal Investigator)
1/05/05 → 31/03/07
Project: Research
bewilligt mit 12.05.2009, projektbegin - bzw. Anstellung 01.03.2009
Hausenblas, E. I. (Principal Investigator)
15/11/04 → 31/01/08
Project: Research
Numerik Stochastischer Partieller Differentialgleichungen
Hausenblas, E. I. (Principal Investigator)
15/11/04 → 14/11/07
Project: Research
Discrepancy of Digital Nets and Sequences
Schmid, W. (Principal Investigator) & Kritzer, P. A. (Co-Investigator)
15/03/04 → 31/12/05
Project: Research
Diophantine properties of multidimensional continued fractions
Schweiger, F. (Principal Investigator)
1/03/04 → 28/02/07
Project: Research
Numerical Approximation of Stochstic Partial Differential Equations by wavelets
Hausenblas, E. I. (Principal Investigator)
1/10/00 → 1/08/04
Project: Research
O Indice de Conley como Invariante Dinamico e Topologico
Bertolim Nicoleau, M. A. (Principal Investigator)
1/03/99 → 29/11/02
Project: Research