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Diskussion zur US Wahl organized by ÖAG (Austrian American Society) and Krone TV
Heinisch, R. K. (Speaker)
27 Oct 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to public / art to public
Implementing Issues of Inequalities within the SDG-process – An Assessment Model as Wicked Opportunity in a Multi-stakeholder Network
Bukowski, M. (Speaker) & Kreissl, K. (Speaker)
19 Oct 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Am Puls Talk- FWF der Wissenschaftsfond: The Implications of the US Elections
Heinisch, R. K. (Speaker)
13 Oct 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to public / art to public
The re-figuration of spaces as a crucial element of social change: How survey research has to move ahead
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
9 Oct 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Izbiratel'nye prava grazhdan Evropejskogo Sojuza/ Wahlrecht in der Europäischen Union
Wydra, D. (Speaker)
1 Oct 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Uspostavljanje/ unaprijeđenje saradnje sa akademskom dijasporom.” (Establishing / improving cooperation with academic diaspora
Karabegovic, D. (Invited speaker)
30 Sept 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to public / art to public
Climate Change, migration and conflict
Spilker, G. (Speaker)
17 Sept 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Discussant Beitrag Panel 2: Geflüchtete und höhere Bildung. Fördernde und hemmende Faktoren für Studienerfolg und Integration
Aschauer, W. (Selected presenter)
16 Sept 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Statelessness in Austria and Spain: Lacking Narratives of Vulnerability
Reitter, V. (Speaker)
16 Sept 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Institutional Design Matters: Explaining Interest Group Support for Trade Agreements
Dür, A. (Speaker)
28 Aug 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Joint Bodies in Preferential Trade Agreements: Why are some stronger than others?
Gastinger, M. (Presenter) & Dür, A. (Presenter)
28 Aug 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Do Variants of Populism Converge? Matching Party and Voter Data in Populism Research
Dolezal, M. (Speaker)
27 Aug 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Bargaining Power in a Globalized World: The Effect of Global Value Chains in Trade Negotiations
Stiller, Y. (Speaker)
26 Aug 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Joint Bodies in International Agreements of the European Union: Weighing the Costs and Benefits of Delegation
Gastinger, M. (Presenter) & Dür, A. (Presenter)
26 Aug 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Torn Over Trade: How Citizens Form Their Opinion Towards Trade Liberalization
Stiller, Y. (Speaker)
24 Aug 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
ECPR 1st Virtual Methods School
Gastinger, M. (Presenter)
3 Aug 2020 → 14 Aug 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Active Citizenship and Diaspora Relations
Karabegovic, D. (Invited speaker)
9 Jul 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to public / art to public
Nachhaltigkeitskonstruktionen im Diskurs um Elektroautomobilität - Eine Wissenssoziologie der Nachhaltigkeit
Bub, L. (Speaker)
24 Jun 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Attracting Western Balkan region as workplace with regional sectoral integration.
Kok, F. (Speaker)
19 Jun 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to public / art to public
PoSIG consortium as joint infrastructure of a future Jean Monnet Network
Kok, F. (Speaker)
12 Jun 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Keynote address: The role of the Russian Federation in the Western Balkans: the EU perspective
Wydra, D. (Keynote speaker)
11 Jun 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Dass es so weitergeht, ist die Katastrophe - Ursprünge und Dynamiken der sozial-ökologischen Krise
Bub, L. (Speaker)
5 Jun 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to public / art to public
Nachhaltige Entwicklung? Sustainable Development Goal 1 und Ungleichheiten in Österreich.
Kreissl, K. (Speaker)
3 Jun 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Agenda 2030, Interdependenzen und soziale Ungleichheiten in Österreich
Kreissl, K. (Speaker) & Fischer, K. (Speaker)
3 Jun 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to public / art to public
The Europeanization of National Parliaments
Miklin, E. (Speaker)
29 May 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Transnationalization of national social security and bureaucratic decision-making
Reitter, V. (Speaker)
27 May 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Same shit, different colour? Klimakatastrophe und Corona-Krise als Resultate kapitalistischer Krisendynamik
Bub, L. (Speaker)
13 May 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Statelessness in Austrian Context
Reitter, V. (Speaker)
7 May 2020 → 8 May 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Der Korridor der gesellschaftlichen Stabilität – Szenarien zu künftigen Entwicklungen im Zuge der Corona-Krise
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
6 May 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Sustainable Development Goal 10: Reducing Inequalities – Dynamics of intersecting inequalities in Austria
Kreissl, K. (Speaker)
3 Apr 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Presentation “The drivers of prejudice with a special focus on religion - comparing anti-Muslim sentiment in Austria and the United States”
Aschauer, W. (Presenter)
26 Mar 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Affordable Housing, a question of Poverty and Inequality? – A comprehensive perspective on SDG 1 and SDG 10 in Austria
Bukowski, M. (Speaker) & Kreissl, K. (Speaker)
5 Mar 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Discussant of the paper: From Superdiversity to Consolidation: Structural Intersectionality in Interethnic Friendships, given by Linda Zhao
Aschauer, W. (Selected presenter)
26 Feb 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
ECPR Winter School in Methods and Techniques
Gastinger, M. (Presenter)
17 Feb 2020 → 21 Feb 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
(Politische) Entfremdung, Unterordnung und Abgrenzung –Das Update autoritärer Einstellungen in der (gespaltenen) Salzburger Bevölkerung 2019
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
27 Jan 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to public / art to public
Die chinesische Seidenstraßeninitiative
Wydra, D. (Speaker)
16 Jan 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to public / art to public
Responsiveness and Responsibility in the Eurozone: Budgetary Discourse in France, Germany and Spain (2007-2019)
Karremans, J. (Speaker)
2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Of Love and Frustration: Contradictions and Decoloniality in Knowledge Production and Cultivation by Post-Yugoslav Female Scholars
Karabegovic, D. (Presenter) & Stavrevska, E. (Speaker)
2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Mass Violence and Displacement during the 1990s from former Yugoslavia: On Overview with a focus on Bosnia and Herzegovina
Karabegovic, D. (Speaker)
2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Wissenschaftsnachwuchs in vermessenen Räumen. Anerkennung und Geschlecht an reformierten Universitäten.
Kreissl, K. (Invited speaker)
2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Justice on the Road: Everyday Trustbuilding Through Diaspora Car-Pooling
Karabegovic, D. (Presenter)
2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Losing control – Analyzing the demand side of Populist Party Support
Heinisch, R. K. (Selected presenter) & Jansesberger, V. A. (Presenter)
2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
What do Radical and Populist Voters Expect from a Government Party? Findings of a Cross-National Survey Experiment
Heinisch, R. K. (Presenter) & Werner, A. (Speaker)
2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Responsiveness and responsibility in the Eurozone
Karremans, J. (Speaker)
2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Reduce Inequalities – SDG 10 in focus.
Kreissl, K. (Speaker)
2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
(Global) trends in social change, diversification and in-equality: A critical introduction to diversity studies.
Biele Mefebue, A. (Keynote speaker) & Kreissl, K. (Keynote speaker)
2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Positive Side Effects? The Impact of Populist Governing Parties on the Media Visibility of the Austrian Parliament
Miklin, E. (Speaker)
2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
A Call for “Homecoming” - Transnational Brokerage Practices of Scientists between a Cultural Narrative and Academic Excellence
Karabegovic, D. (Speaker) & Shinozaki, K. (Speaker)
2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Of Love and Frustration: Contradictions and Decoloniality in Knowledge Production and Cultivation by Post-Yugoslav Female Scholars
Karabegovic, D. (Speaker) & Stavrevska, E. (Speaker)
2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
The ambivalent(?) impact of the FPÖ’s participation in government on the Austrian Nationalrat
Miklin, E. (Speaker)
6 Dec 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art