Activities per year
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Jugend zwischen Tatendrang, Belastung und Krisen
Aschauer, W. (Speaker) & Etter, C. (Speaker)
18 Sept 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to public / art to public
Everyday life and living conditions of migrants in Austria Historical background and current challenges
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
14 Dec 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Auf der Reise zu sich selbst? Einsichten aus einer ethnographischen Studie zu „Mindful Traveling“ im Yoga-Retreat auf Koh Phangan
Aschauer, W. (Speaker), Stiebler, K. (Speaker), Kreuzberger, M. (Speaker) & Nemetz, F. (Speaker)
24 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Attitudes towards Avatar-Solutions to Support quality of Life among the Elderly
Aschauer, W. (Speaker), Nemetz, F. (Speaker) & Etter, C. (Speaker)
23 Aug 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Von der Coronakrise zur Inflations- und Energiekrise: Verändernde Desintegrationswahrnehmungen und Zukunftserwartungen der Österreicher*innen zwischen 2021 und 2022
Aschauer, W. (Speaker) & Prandner, D. (Speaker)
4 Jul 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Nur ein kleines Rad im Getriebe? Arbeitsbedingungen von Fahrradkurier*innen in der Stadt Salzburg – zwischen Prekarität, Subjektivierung und Flexibilität
Aschauer, W. (Speaker), Obenholzner, K. (Speaker), Stiebler, K. (Speaker) & Stadler, A. (Speaker)
3 Jul 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Verschwörungsmentalität in Zeiten multipler Krisen in Österreich unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Stadt-Land Dynamik
Aschauer, W. (Speaker) & Kreuzberger, M. (Speaker)
3 Jul 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Nur ein kleines Rad im Getriebe? Eine Branchenanalyse zu den Arbeitsbedingungen von Fahrradkurier:innen in Salzburg
Aschauer, W. (Speaker) & Stiebler, K. (Speaker)
23 May 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to public / art to public
Nur ein kleines Rad im Getriebe? Eine Branchenanalyse zu den Arbeitsbedingungen von Fahrradkurier:innen in Salzburg
Aschauer, W. (Speaker) & Obenholzner, K. (Speaker)
16 May 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to public / art to public
Verschwörungsmentalität in Zeiten multipler Krisen in Österreich. Erkenntnisse aus quantitativen und qualitativen Erhebungen
Aschauer, W. (Speaker) & Heinz, J. (Speaker)
20 Apr 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Everyday life and living conditions of migrants in Austria. Historical background and current challenges
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
15 Dec 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Bewirken die Erfahrungen der Pandemie eine Hinwendung zum nachhaltigen Tourismus? - Eine Longitudinalstudie zu (veränderten) Urlaubsbedürfnissen im studentischen Milieu
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
9 Dec 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Disillusion or adaptation after the pandemic? Analyzing the health tourism sector and potentially changing needs of long-term retired immigrants in Hua Hin / Thailand
Aschauer, W. (Selected presenter)
23 Nov 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Perceptions of Social Challenges in Europe. Identifying Potential Drivers of Societal Change
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
12 Nov 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
The impact of value priorities and impressions of societal functioning on visions of solidarity
Seymer, A. (Selected presenter) & Aschauer, W. (Selected presenter)
11 Nov 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Interview Constellations in the Pandemic and their Effect on Survey Data: Insights into Social Survey Austria and its Mixed Mode Data Collection
Weichbold, M. (Speaker), Seymer, A. (Speaker), Prandner, D. (Speaker) & Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
6 Oct 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Quality of life across cultures – Comparing Turkish immigrants and natives in Austria regarding their understanding of quality of life
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
4 Jun 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Gesellschaftliche Spaltung und Umverteilung. Wie steht es um die Solidarität der Österreicher*innen?
Aschauer, W. (Speaker) & Kreuzberger, M. (Speaker)
24 Mar 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to public / art to public
Autoritarismus und Corona-Krise. Vorstellung der Studienergebnisse der Salzburger Autoritarismusstudie 2021
Aschauer, W. (Guest lecturer) & Heinz, J. (Guest lecturer)
31 Jan 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to public / art to public
Die Values in Crisis Studie – soziale Auswirkungen der Pandemie im internationalen Vergleich
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
21 Nov 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Vantourismus – die neue Freiheit auf vier Rädern. Eine quantitativ-empirische Analyse von Camping- und Vantourismus.
Aschauer, W. (Speaker) & Oesterle, C. (Speaker)
19 Nov 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Tourism in Transition: Wandlungsprozesse im österreichischen Tourismus
Herdin, T. (Speaker), Klinglmayr, T. (Speaker) & Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
18 Nov 2021 → 20 Nov 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Werteverschiebungen und Zukunftsvorstellungen der ÖsterreicherInnen in Zeiten von Corona.
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
10 Nov 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Tourismus im Umbruch. Lage und Ausblick im internationalen Tourismus.
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
18 Oct 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to public / art to public
Quantitative cross-cultural research. An Ideal or an Illusion?
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
24 Sept 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Conservative Closure or New Solidarity? Changing values and ideas about the future in times of the Corona crisis.
Aschauer, W. (Speaker), Eder, A. (Speaker) & Höllinger, F. (Speaker)
1 Sept 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Harmonising the Survey Data of the Global Values in Crisis Survey – a Challenging Endeavour.
Aschauer, W. (Speaker), Seymer, A. (Speaker), Bodi-Fernandez, O. (Speaker) & Herzog, M. (Speaker)
1 Sept 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Rückblick und Ausblick – Werteverschiebungen und Zukunftsvorstellungen der ÖsterreicherInnen in Zeiten von Corona.
Aschauer, W. (Speaker) & Höllinger, F. (Speaker)
25 Aug 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Egocentrism and Ethnocentrism in the Western Achievement Society. Theoretical and empirical insights on potentials of solidarity and value cleavages in Western Europe.
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
11 May 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Religiöse Einstellungen als Einflussfaktor für Vorurteile oder Toleranz? Eine empirische Analyse zu den Dynamiken islamkritischer Haltungen.
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
16 Apr 2021Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Social and Political Challenges in Europe – and the Role of Values within
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
26 Nov 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Antimuslimische Ressentiments in Österreich. Eine nähere Betrachtung der SSÖ-Studienergebnisse
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
10 Nov 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to public / art to public
The re-figuration of spaces as a crucial element of social change: How survey research has to move ahead
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
9 Oct 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Discussant Beitrag Panel 2: Geflüchtete und höhere Bildung. Fördernde und hemmende Faktoren für Studienerfolg und Integration
Aschauer, W. (Selected presenter)
16 Sept 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Der Korridor der gesellschaftlichen Stabilität – Szenarien zu künftigen Entwicklungen im Zuge der Corona-Krise
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
6 May 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Presentation “The drivers of prejudice with a special focus on religion - comparing anti-Muslim sentiment in Austria and the United States”
Aschauer, W. (Presenter)
26 Mar 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Discussant of the paper: From Superdiversity to Consolidation: Structural Intersectionality in Interethnic Friendships, given by Linda Zhao
Aschauer, W. (Selected presenter)
26 Feb 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
(Politische) Entfremdung, Unterordnung und Abgrenzung –Das Update autoritärer Einstellungen in der (gespaltenen) Salzburger Bevölkerung 2019
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
27 Jan 2020Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to public / art to public
Integration in Salzburg. Daten und Fakten
Aschauer, W. (Keynote speaker)
26 Nov 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Das Stimmungsbild gegenüber MigrantInnen und Flüchtlingen in Europa. Ergebnisse aus ländervergleichenden Umfagen
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
23 Nov 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Zur Vielschichtigkeit autoritärer Haltungen und fremdenfeindlicher Einstellungen in Österreich - Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Studie
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
28 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
What’s happening in our brains? Cognitive processes and neuronal correlation while answering questions
Weichbold, M. (Speaker), Roehm, D. (Speaker), Bachleitner, R. (Speaker) & Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
16 Jul 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
"Relativierung des Mythos": Die meisten MigrantInnen sind Muslime
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
3 Jul 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to public / art to public
Swinging with the world – adventure tourism in an era of alienation
Herdin (Speaker) & Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
19 Jun 2019 → 21 Jun 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Solidaritätsbrüche in Europa
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
25 Mar 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Tourismus als Resonanzsuche im Zeitalter spätmoderner Entfremdung
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
8 Nov 2018 → 10 Nov 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
The multifaceted nature of current authoritarian attitudes in Austria
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
13 Oct 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Authoritarian Attitudes in Austria - reviving the neglected dimensions of the original F-Scale
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
12 Oct 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Potentials and limits of the Weblyzard to derive security perceptions in Austria
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
4 Oct 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art
Die Refiguation von Räumen aus der Perspektive der quantiativen kulturvergleichenden Sozialforschung
Aschauer, W. (Speaker)
15 Jun 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation › science to science / art to art