Project Details
Immunologische Forschung am CNR, Pisa, Italien, und bei Avant Cell Sciences, Ayr, UK. DIe Universität Salzburg ist ein assoziierter Partner der insgesamt 4 Personenmonate Laborpraktikum beiträgt.
HUMUNITY is a PhD school which shall train young scientists in dvanced human cell culture and analysis, and teach the processes for their translation into industrially-exploitable and medically-useful tools. The scientific goal is to develop advanced cell-biological models in which cultured human primary cells mimic the architecture and the interactions of the original tissue. Specifically, students will develop novel systems in which the innate inflammatory response to agents presented at mucosal surfaces (lung, gut) can be studied in both healthy and pathological conditions. These culture systems will deliver preclinical models with multiple applications, from testing of candidate therapeutics or health-promoting agents to screening for
health risk from environmental or dietary contaminants. Collectively, these models shall robustly reproduce the reactivity of human issues in vivo, thereby reducing significantly the need of animal experimentation.
Acronym | HUMUNITY |
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/03/13 → 28/02/17 |
Fields of Science and Technology Classification 2012
- 301 Medical-Theoretical Sciences, Pharmacy
Fields of Science and Technology Classification 2012 (6-digit codes)
- 301902 Immunology
Fields of Science and Technology Classification 2002
- 3411 Immunology