Epigenetic regulation of Immunity in Cancer

Project Details


Cancer is a complex genetic and immunological disease with a high incidence in the assisted regions of the Interreg Italy-Austria V-A PC. Cancer represents a challenge with important consequences for innovation in science, in medicine and therapy, with significant social implications also for the population of cross-border territories. EPIC offers a network of interdisciplinary research in epigenetics and immune-oncology as a strategic asset to challenge more deeply this disease, which accounts for a high number of deaths in the respective region. The aim of EPIC is to render the research institutions of the cross-border region more competitive in the international context of epigenetic mechanisms regulating the anti-tumoral immune response and resistance to immunotherapy. The proposed network will join expertise and resources of the participating research institutions to generate added and sustainable value for the entire region in the rapidly growing field of immunotherapy of cancers. In addition to scientific instrumentations, methodologies and predictive model systems including complex organoids required for next generation cancer research programs, EPIC will train and connect highly talented young researchers in the region. The innovative character and success of EPIC is guaranteed by the specific and complementary research topics and skills of the network partners ranging from chemical synthesis and optimization of anticancer epigenetic molecules/drugs, to predictive immune-oncological organoids and in vivo test systems involving the use of primary patient samples available to the consortium via associated clinical partners.
Effective start/end date25/09/1931/12/22

Fields of Science and Technology Classification 2012

  • 106 Biology

Fields of Science and Technology Classification 2012 (6-digit codes)

  • 301904 Cancer research