EurOMo 2025

Project Details


This project aims to update the existing databases and risk assessments of the pilot Euromedia Ownership Monitor as well as increase its media outlets database, including channels and accounts on Very Large Online Platforms (VLOPs) that are relevant for news use in each EU Member State (MS). At the end of this project, we will present a website with a fully updated and expanded database of opinion-shaping media outlets in each MS, a fully updated database of national laws pertinent to media ownership transparency, narrative country reports, interactive graphics showing national media ownership structures and cross-country media activity, and assessment of risks to transparency in ownership and control stemming from the ownership structure, managerial arrangements, economic conditions, distribution channels and regulatory framework of each country. This will provide policymakers and the broader public with solid evidence of the extent of media ownership transparency in the EU, fulfilling the main objective of this Call.
AcronymEurOMo 2025
Effective start/end date1/01/25 → 31/12/25