Extended EO-based services for dynamic information needs in humanitarian action

Project Details


The innovative character is manifold in technological and societal aspects: (a) technologically, the combination of automated pre-processing, pre-classification, and object-based techniques allows for a large degree of knowledge-based, transferable information extraction routines; (b) from a societal point of view, this service development provides tools to deploy humanitarian action in a more efficient, reflected, and effective way leading the way towards a Copernicus service component in the humanitarian domain. The aim of the proposed project EO4HumEn+ therefore is to extend the established service portfolio to the diversifying needs of the humanitarian community (including ICRC, the Austrian Red Cross, SOS Children’s Villages, MSF and Groundwater Relief), pursuing, inter alia, the following extensions as compared to its precursor project: improving the capabilities of EO methods to provide realistic population estimations in urban areas, and implementing highly automated routines to better exploit the data stream of the Sentinel missions.
Effective start/end date1/05/1630/04/18

Fields of Science and Technology Classification 2012

  • 207 Environmental Engineering, Applied Geosciences
  • 211 Other Technical Sciences
  • 105 Geosciences

Fields of Science and Technology Classification 2012 (6-digit codes)

  • 207402 Remote sensing
  • 105403 Geoinformatics
  • 211921 Civil protection and disaster control

Fields of Science and Technology Classification 2002

  • 1933 Civil defence and disaster control
  • 2702 Remote sensing
  • 1810 Geographic Information Systems (GIS)