Fortgeschrittene Perimetrie zur Evaluierung der Neuroplastizität im visuellen Kortex

Project Details


We will assess the validity and reliability of our newly developed diagnostic instrument for visual field diagnosis. To this end, we will locate the blind spot of normal sighted participants as a marker for the test/retest reliability and validity of the instrument. This will be the first proof that the new diagnostic tool captures blind areas accurately and precisely. Furthermore, we will compare the results of our instrument with established instruments for visual field diagnosis. In a second step we will implement the developed algorithms developed on head-mounted display (HMD) hardware. This will significantly improve the portability and versatility of the new diagnostic instrument. The reliability and the validity will be assessed – including elderly and clinical samples. In a third step we will assess whether restitution training can indeed improve the size of the visual field of anopia patients. The unprecedented accuracy and objectivity of the eye-tracking supported perimeter will allow us to ascribe a change in the size of the visual field to real recovery rather than to compensatory behavior or biases in the post-training diagnosis. This will reveal the true effects of visual restitution training and will advance our understanding of neuroplasticity in the human visual cortex. Validation of advanced perimeter in non-clinical and clinical population Development and validation of an advanced perimeter for visual field test in clinical and non-clinical population / Evaluation of neuroplasticity in clinical patients after stroke or trauma
Short titleFortgeschrittene Perimetrie
Effective start/end date1/08/181/06/23

Fields of Science and Technology Classification 2012

  • 303 Health Sciences
  • 305 Other Human Medicine, Health Sciences
  • 301 Medical-Theoretical Sciences, Pharmacy
  • 501 Psychology

Fields of Science and Technology Classification 2012 (6-digit codes)

  • 303021 Medical rehabilitation
  • 301408 Psychophysiology
  • 305901 Computer-aided diagnosis and therapy
  • 501010 Clinical psychology

Fields of Science and Technology Classification 2002

  • 5516 Clinical psychology
  • 3532 Rehabilitation research
  • 5522 Psychophysiology
  • 3547 Computer-aided diagnosis and therapy