GMES for Africa: Regional Network for Information Exchange and Training in Emergencies

Project Details


(1) Enabling the integration of African requirements in the definition of future operation of the Emergency Response Core Service in Africa; (2) Encouraging the strengthening and building of regional and local capabilities, to allow African users and policy makers to access the EO-derived information provided by the Emergency Response Core Service; (3) Exchanging information, mainly through training exercises, on the operation of the GMES Emergency Response Core Service and the International Charter Space and Major Disasters; (4) Improving the quality and efficacy of the GMES Emergency Response Core Service itself, through consideration of requirements gathering exercises and the ingestion of in situ data. To contribute to the partial re-alignment of the “GMES Emergency Response in Africa” agenda, from technical activities focussed purely on risk and poverty reduction and response using European capacities, to those more directed to building sustainable local capacities, leading to real wealth creation in Africa.
Effective start/end date1/05/1030/04/12

Fields of Science and Technology Classification 2002

  • 2702 Remote sensing
  • 5925 Civil defence and disaster control