HiDALGO bridges that shortcoming by enabling highly accurate simulations, data analytics and data visualisation but also by providing knowledge on how to integrate the various workflows and the corresponding data.
Algorithmic and technological challenges for data-centric computation; Development and implementation for strong and weak coupling mechanisms; Introduction of Artificial Intelligence assisted workflows to improve application lifecycle handling; Investigate methods for the integration of real-world sensor data into the simulation execution;
Bankhamer, G., Berenbrink, P., Biermeier, F., Elsässer, R., Hosseinpour, H., Kaaser, D. & Kling, P., 2022, ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, SODA 2022.Association for Computing Machinery, p. 3417-342913 p. (Proceedings of the Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms; vol. 2022-January).
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding/Legal commentary › Conference contribution › peer-review