NOD1 balances the tolerogenic potential of dendritic cells

    Project Details


    cell culture experiments involving primary human immune cells, siRNA based gene silencing, overexpression and co-immunoprecipitation studies, skin inflamamtion model. investigate the role of NOD1 in tolerogenic dendritic cells responses
    Short titleNOD1 controls tolerogenic DCs
    Effective start/end date1/06/1731/05/21

    Fields of Science and Technology Classification 2012

    • 301 Medical-Theoretical Sciences, Pharmacy
    • 106 Biology

    Fields of Science and Technology Classification 2012 (6-digit codes)

    • 301902 Immunology
    • 106023 Molecular biology

    Fields of Science and Technology Classification 2002

    • 3411 Immunology
    • 1411 Molecular biology