Sensitivity Units for Strategic Environmental Assessment

Project Details


The geon concept acts as a framework to derive spatially integrated units of similar sensitivity. It integrates ecological and human aspects following the idea of a Total Human Ecosystem (THE) to extract thematic information for policy related spatial decisions. The multidimensionality of “sensitivity” is modelled by integrating geodata on socio-economic and environmental parameters. Methods of regionalisation are applied to derive the discrete SensUs. Considering the fact that sensitivity is not directly measureable and due to its complex dimension expert knowledge is implemented to weight each of the factors. The automated delineation of sensitivity units provides decision makers with updated information for monitoring purposes, which is a requirement within SEA processes. Monitoring the spatio-temporal development in regular intervals is critical for obtaining actual information for the assessment of non-static plans and programmes. SUSE aims at establishing a ‘metaindicator’ by integrating ecologic, economic, and social factors and mapping it using sensitivity units (SensUs). This way, the spatial variation and dynamic of impact sensitivity to plans and programmes is shown. The objective is to support decision making in spatial planning processes in order to mitigate/avoid negative impacts on the environment.
Effective start/end date1/04/0931/03/11

Fields of Science and Technology Classification 2002

  • 1810 Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • 5617 Landscape planning