Translated title of the contribution: Media Text Headlines on Both Sides of the Border : (Using the Example of Russian-Language News Portals in the Metropolis and the Diaspora)

Irina Rebrova, Natalia Tshuikina

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The present study examines the headlines, treated as media texts, published on April 24, 2023, by various news portals. These headlines were systematically collected usinga continuous samplingmethod from diverse media sources, both within Russia and abroad, including the Baltic states, Austria, and Germany. An analytical algorithm was devised to scrutinize headlines on compositio-nal-thematic/pragmastylistic level. Through this analysis we aimed to identify similarities and disparitiesamong the examined sources and delineate overarching thematic elements for the given day’s news. In the initial phase of the analysis it became evident that local media sources in Germany and Austria predominantly prioritize coverage of domestic affairs, both historical and contemporary, while exhibiting a disregard for global news, including developments related to the ongoing Ukraine conflict. In stark contrast, media outlets in the Baltic states exhibit a propensity for covering international events. The research unveils noteworthy shifts in news content across mostsources, both within the metropolitan areas and diaspora. A common thematic dominant idea emergesprominently: the theme of war. Notably, we also observe the infiltration of discourse marked by heightened expressions of animosity in the informational content. Despite these variations in dis-course, there is a noticeable consistency in the presentation of this multifaceted, polycoded event at the compositional level, with the colon serving as a pivotal structural element in this narrative.
Translated title of the contributionMedia Text Headlines on Both Sides of the Border : (Using the Example of Russian-Language News Portals in the Metropolis and the Diaspora)
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)139-155
Number of pages17
JournalRoczniki Humanistyczne
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 20 Nov 2024

Bibliographical note

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  • :headline; media text; polycoded event; genre news; compositional-thematic level; dominant idea
  • compositional-thematic level
  • media text
  • genre news
  • dominant idea
  • polycoded event
  • headline

Fields of Science and Technology Classification 2012

  • 602 Linguistics and Literature

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