Affective associations towards running: fuzzy patterns of implicit-explicit interaction in young female runners and non-runners

Tim Burberg*, Sabine Würth, Günter Amesberger, Thomas Finkenzeller

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Empirical evidence demonstrates that high concordance and low discrepancy of
implicit and explicit affective processes facilitate consistent exercise behavior.
Novice runners often have difficulties implementing their running behavior on
a regular basis resulting in irregular running behavior. To investigate the
potential value of affective associations 89 young female runners (regular and
irregular) and non-runners were recruited. Affective associations towards
running were measured through a Single-Target Implicit Association Test on
the implicit level and by self-report on the explicit level. Implicit-explicit
interaction (IEI) scores (i.e., implicit-explicit concordance and discrepancy)
were derived from principal component analysis. Fuzzy k-means cluster
analysis was used to identify patterns of interacting implicit-explicit affective
associations. The resulting clusters were assessed for differences in previous
running experience, current running behavior, motivational and intentional
aspects. Four meaningful overlapping clusters were found and labeled
according to their prevalent IEI patterns (i.e., “positive non-discrepant”,
“positive discrepant”, “negative discrepant”, “negative non-discrepant”).
Significant differences between clusters were found for past running
experience, current running behavior, motivational and intentional aspects.
The results indicate that running behavior varies between and within patterns
of affective associations. In line with previous findings, positive non-discrepant
implicit and explicit affective associations are linked to more consistent
running behavior, while negative non-discrepant affect is associated with nonrunners. However, the occurrence of discrepant implicit-explicit affective
associations in young women differing in running behavior, motivation, and
intention broadens the view of the complex relationship between affective
processes and exercise behavior. In conclusion, individualized interventions
that take into account the implicit-explicit interaction of affective associations
besides well-known cognitive self-regulatory resources may prove more
effective for individuals who struggle to run regularly.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1210546
JournalFrontiers in Sports and Active Living
Publication statusPublished - 31 Jan 2024

Bibliographical note

© 2024 Burberg, Würth, Amesberger and Finkenzeller.


  • affective associations
  • fuzzy cluster analysis
  • implicit-explicit interaction
  • running behavior
  • young women

Fields of Science and Technology Classification 2012

  • 501 Psychology

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