Statistics of Knowledge Graphs Based On The Conceptual Schema

Iztok Savnik, Kiyoshi Nitta, Riste Skrekovski, Nikolaus Augsten

Research output: Working paper/PreprintPreprint


In this paper, we propose a new approach for the computation of the statistics of knowledge graphs. We introduce a schema graph that represents the main framework for the computation of the statistics. The core of the procedure is an algorithm that determines the sub-graph of the schema graph affected by the insertion of one triple into the triple-store. We first present the algorithms that use the minimal schema and the complete schema of a knowledge graph. Furthermore, we propose an algorithm in which the size of the schema graph can be controlled -- it is based on the n levels from the upper part of the schema graph. We evaluate the algorithms empirically by using the Yago knowledge graph.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages32
Publication statusPublished - 20 Sept 2021

Publication series


Fields of Science and Technology Classification 2012

  • 102 Computer Sciences

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