The SLS-Berlin: Validation of a German computer-based screening test to measure reading proficiency in early and late adulthood

Jana Lüdtke*, Eva Fröhlich, Arthur M. Jacobs, Florian Hutzler

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Reading proficiency, i.e., successfully integrating early word-based information and utilizing this information in later processes of sentence and text comprehension, and its assessment is subject to extensive research. However, screening tests for German adults across the life span are basically non-existent. Therefore, the present article introduces a standardized computerized sentence-based screening measure for German adult readers to assess reading proficiency including norm data from 2,148 participants covering an age range from 16-88 years. The test was developed in accordance with the children's version of the Salzburger LeseScreening (SLS, Wimmer & Mayringer, 2014). The SLS-Berlin has a high reliability and can easily be implemented in any research setting using German language. We present a detailed description of the test and report the distribution of SLS-Berlin scores for the norm sample as well as for two subsamples of younger (below 60 years) and older adults (60 and older). For all three samples, we conducted regression analyses to investigate the relationship between sentence characteristics and SLS-Berlin scores. In a second validation study, SLS-Berlin scores were compared with two (pseudo)word reading tests, a test measuring attention and processing speed and eye-movements recorded during expository text reading. Our results confirm the SLS-Berlin's sensitivity to capture early word decoding and later text related comprehension processes. The test distinguished very well between skilled and less skilled readers and also within less skilled readers and is therefore a powerful and efficient screening test for German adults to assess interindividual levels of reading proficiency.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1682
Number of pages23
JournalFrontiers in Psychology
Issue numberJULY
Publication statusPublished - 14 Aug 2019


  • Ageing
  • Eyetracking
  • Life span
  • Reading proficiency
  • Screening test
  • Sentence Reading Comprehension
  • Text comprehension

Fields of Science and Technology Classification 2012

  • 501 Psychology

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